Monday, January 11, 2010

Glee Open Casting Call: I Wish.

Ooooh a Glee Open Casting Call! I wish I can audition. Unfortunately, I am talentless and am only eligible age-wise for the next 3.5 months. I bet they are auditioning for a new Cheerio, and two new Glee Club hopefuls. Cheerios are funny because they are so stupid. But they need a new head Cheerio since Quinn is preggers. I’m not quite head cheerleader material so that is out of the question. And does the Glee Club really need another Asian like myself? They already have two. I mean, one’s a breakdancer for crying out loud. Once you have an Asian breakdancer, you don’t need much else. I’m interested in seeing who they cast, but probably more excited for the show to come back in April!


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