Monday, May 10, 2010

DVD Must Haves: Daria + Ghostwriter


I hate buying DVD movies.  There are so many more things in life that I would buy over a DVD. They take up space and I'm not enough of a movie nut to "collect" these things.  Sometimes, I do enjoy some box sets because my attention span for TV shows works a lot better than my movie attention span (I doze off a lot).  Also I have a Netflix account which I love.    

Today I decided that I kind of need to get my hands on these DVD sets. Whether that be in the form of a gift or a guilty purchase - although I prefer a Netflix rental above all - I will want them in my life in the near future. These shows were huge favorites of mine when I was growing up.  Daria was one that I had to grow up a little to appreciate a second time around.  Yes she's a sarcastic, non-enthusiastic girl who makes snarky comments.  But the humor on that show goes way beyond the obvious. 

I stuck with Ghostwriter for the entire series, even though they switched out Gaby which was kind of stupid. The new girl over-exaggerated her words too much.  When they had an entirely new set of Ghostwriter kids, that's where I drew the line.  It didn't last much longer after that anyway.  This cast was great.  I loved that it was based in Brooklyn, New York and they were just normal looking kids. I totally made a necklace pen and a casebook. Did you? My favorite episode was the time traveling one where Ghostwriter interacted with the past and the kids interacted with the same people, but grown up, in the present day.  Confusing at the time but really amazing!

Daria's already out but Ghostwriter Season 1 won't be out until June. I'm SO ready!


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